David Lynch, an influential director known for his unique and surrealistic films and TV shows including “Blue Velvet” and ...
"Eraserhead" filmmaker David Lynch brought a dark, thoughtful surrealism to Hollywood. Here are his best movies and TV work, ...
“My heart is broken. My Buddy Dave…” began Mulholland Drive star Naomi Watts on Instagram about the death of that movie’s ...
Find out where to watch 'Twin Peaks,' 'Blue Velvet,' other other David Lynch films. Plus, the two David Lynch movies you ...
David Lynch -- the singular and surreal director of "Mulholland Drive" and television's "Twin Peaks," who depicted the ...
David Lynch, the four-time Oscar-nominee behind ‘Blue Velvet,’ ‘Mulholland Drive’ and ‘The Elephant Man’ who also created ...
David Lynch was a groundbreaking filmmaker whose imagination ran wild with proposed movies like 'Ronnie Rocket' and 'One ...