Set in the late 1800s against the unforgiving backdrop of Iceland’s Westfjords, the film follows a crew of fishermen who ...
A bleak if repetitive thriller centers on a 19th-century Icelandic fishing outpost and a moral quandary.
Inspired by the dramatic landscape of the Westfjords of Iceland in the 1800s and the region’s folklore, the psychological ...
In our clip from the film, Eva learns about the legend of Draugur, an entity that may just be lurking around the village. Not only does this clip give you a taste of the tension palpable throughout ...
A chilling folk-horror thriller which reconfirms that January is often a fertile time for under-the-radar genre fare, The Damned, which hits theaters Jan. 3, tells a sinister campfire tale of guilt, ...
A profound element of The Damned ’s harsh realism is that Eva is never clad in “final girl” rags, but in the same working clothes as the men. Simply by being there she has proven her worth, and while ...
Odessa Young and Joe Cole face an ancient evil in this debut set in 1870s Iceland ...
ComingSoon is excited to debut the exclusive The Damned clip from Vertical’s newest horror drama starring Odessa Young ...