a cone just hits differently when the ground begins to thaw,” DairyQueen said in a news release. Iowans aren’t totally escaping the cold yet — the NationalWeatherService is forecasting ...
For 33 years, Heiman has been watching and documenting the weather in his neck of northeast Kansas and calling or emailing in his observations at least twice a day to the NationalWeather ...
Frostbite-triggering cold descended on the New York City area a day ago and worsened early Wednesday, bringing some of the coldest temperatures in years as parts of the region awoke to sub-zero ...
Psi Iota Xi chapter, Zeta Tau On Tuesday, Jan. 14, Psi Iota Xi chapter, Zeta Tau from Milroy met at member Nicki Hall's home. She and Laura Jessup, as cohost, provided a tasty meal for the 14 of 20 ...