“Berserk,” a dark fantasy manga series by Kentaro Miura, has resumed after an abrupt hiatus following the death of the author last year. The latest episode was published in the 13th issue of ...
Miura’s second son, Gota, 53, a former Olympic mogul skier who had accompanied his father on his three Mount Everest expeditions, is helping with the rehabilitation program.
Japanese soccer player Kazuyoshi Miura is several generations older than his teammates. His contemporaries retired decades ago. Lionel Messi is 37, and Cristiano Ronaldo is 39 – mere youngsters ...
Dzięki plikom cookies i technologiom pokrewnym oraz przetwarzaniu Twoich danych, możemy zapewnić, że dopasujemy do Ciebie wyświetlane treści.Wyrażając zgodę na przechowywanie informacji na urządzeniu ...
It was expected Jota would be back immediately after the international break, and in time for the trip to Southampton and a massive home double header against Real Madrid and Manchester City.
Nunez is set to lead the line in an early-season title tussle with Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium on Sunday, with Diogo Jota ruled out due to a rib injury suffered last weekend. And Slot admits ...