This Week In Games! is written from idyllic Portland by Jean-Karlo Lemus. When not collaborating with Anime News Network, ...
Cozy farm sim games just keep getting tinier these days. Small enough to dock to the bottom of your monitor like Rusty's Retirement, and in the case of Tiny Garden, small enough to fit inside a Polly ...
Despite the tepid reception back in 2000, the Jedi Power Battles remaster is a fun return to simpler times when Star Wars video games were allowed to be weird.
SEGA filed trademarks for Ecco the Dolphin, which could mean a new game in a storied franchise that ended abruptly 25 years ...
LEGO is also showing no signs of slowing down, with more and more products releasing each month. Popular themes like Harry ...
In space, no one can hear you scream, but fans of the Alien franchise have screamed for more since Ridley Scott's first movie ...
With video games, novels, and an expansive lore, the Warhammer 40k universe is thriving. The game, set in the 41st millennium ...
Plus, if you were a fan of the original, it’s a straight shot of nostalgia playing through the game’s Adventure Mode. Dark ...