Yellow or green discharge (pus) in the eye The eyelids are stuck (matted) together with pus after sleep After being wiped away, the pus comes back during the day Often caused by a bacterial eye ...
Age less than 6 months old Ear pain or crying like in pain Discharge is yellow or green, cloudy white or smells bad Clear drainage (not from a head injury) lasts more than 24 hours You think your ...
Many toys are made with safety in mind, but no toy is totally safe. Toys that break or are misused can become dangerous. These tips will help you choose and maintain safe toys. Share them with your ...
Swallows an unusual but harmless, non-solid substance Swallows a bad-looking, bad-smelling, or bad tasting food Swallows a non-food substance Ate food or drink that is spoiled or has set out at room ...
Increased size of one or more lymph nodes. Most are in the neck. Also, includes swollen lymph nodes in the armpit or groin It's larger than the same node on the other side of the body Normal nodes are ...
Positive parenting is behaviors caregivers and parents can do to help build their child’s capacity to love, trust, learn and explore*. The Positive Parenting Program at Seattle Children’s works to ...
An injury to the groin from falling on an object that is being straddled. Examples are playground equipment, crossbars of a bike, or a fence. Girls usually get a bruise or small cut of the outer labia ...
Jaundice (yellow skin) in a baby during the first 3 months of life (90 days) The skin turns a yellow color from high bilirubin levels in the blood ...
The wood tick (dog tick) is the size of an apple seed. After feeding, it can double or triple in size. Sometimes, it can pass on Rocky Mountain spotted fever or Colorado tick fever. The deer tick is ...
Injuries to the lips and mouth Includes inner cheeks and the roof of the mouth (hard and soft palate) Front of the mouth includes the tongue. Also, includes the flap under the upper lip (frenulum).
Definition. Bacterial infection of the umbilical stump with spread to the skin around it. It's a medical emergency. How Often. 1 out of 200 newborns. Symptoms. Redness spreads around the navel. The ...
The medical name for painful cramping during a girl's period is dysmenorrhea. Normal cramps happen in over 60% of girls. This cramping is caused by strong muscle squeezing of the uterus. This is ...