Gatheru founded Black Girl Environmentalist, a youth-led nonprofit dedicated to addressing a root cause of the lack of diversity in the green workforce: retention.
Program has sponsored EcoLogic Development Fund, a nonprofit that supports Indigenous efforts to restore the forest.
The materials in Abigail Brown’s whimsical sculptures often originate in nature—pieces of driftwood, fallen branches, or stones she gathers because they remind her of a specific animal.
Slow lorises are a study in contradictions. With wide eyes and furry bodies, these slow-moving, pint-sized primates look like cuddly stuffed animals.
WWF works to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and wildlife, collaborating with partners from local to global levels in nearly 100 countries.
As the buffalo were exterminated, Tribes suffered forced relocations onto reservations, lost prosperity, and starvation. Still, their spiritual connection to the buffalo persisted, along with small ...
The Great Sea Reef that hugs Fiji’s northwestern shores is a biodiversity hotspot and deeply important to the country and its people.
Illegal trade poses an enormous threat to sea turtles, which are trafficked for their meat, eggs, shells, and other parts. And stopping it isn’t easy.
Male spotted hyenas typically join neighboring clans, yet SH2 likely spent months on his own unsuccessfully searching for mates, suggesting that the central part of the country has massive areas where ...
With its cartilaginous body and cold blood, the whale shark is decidedly not a whale. But this shark is about as long as a humpback and just as gentle. So gentle, in fact, that tours to dive with ...
As we drive through Botswana’s Linyanti Wildlife Reserve, I’m nervous but exhilarated by the proximity of the wildlife.
The world was on lockdown, but the local pond didn’t get the memo. Tadpoles, frogs, and ducks were living their best lives, doing all the typical springtime things, while lily pads floated on the ...