A study published in The British Medical Journal explored the relationship between occupation and Alzheimer’s disease mortality, focusing on occupati | Neuroscience ...
It's estimated that anywhere from 3 to 7% of school-age children may have dyslexia, a neruodevelopmental issue that affects reading... | Genetics And Genomics ...
The widespread production and use of plastics began around the 1950s, but the production of plastics has also increased steadily. It's estimated that ... | Cell And Molecular Biology ...
A new compound, called VU319, has delivered promising results in a Phase 1 trial for treating Alzheimer's disease and other neudegenerative conditions. | Drug Discovery And Development ...
Alcohol consumption has been a topic of extensive research, particularly regarding its health implications. One of the ...
It's not unusual to see squirrels eating acorns or other nuts, or seeds; they are considered herbivores though they sometimes ...
Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental condition that can present in a range of ways, and can be diagnosed at any age. .. | Cell And Molecular Biology ...
Peppermint, a delightful species of mint born from the union of watermint and spearmint, has been gracing our winters with its festive charm. It infu | Cancer ...
Researchers found that factors indicative of poor vascular health, such as inflammation and high glucose levels, are linked ...
A study published in the European Heart Journal has raised critical concerns about xylitol, a sugar alcohol commonly used as ...
Two new studies have outlined new ways to capture small amounts of carbon, and which could be scalable for larger applications. | Earth And The Environment ...
Scientists believe that Alzheimer's disease develops over decades, but it is usually not diagnosed until well after patients have started to experience | Clinical And Molecular Dx ...