Opposition lawmakers want to initiate again the convening of an extraordinary session of the House Agriculture and Environmental Committee to discuss the anti-flood protection of western Slovakia and ...
The House Committee for the Supervision of Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) will be headed by its vice-chairs, as newly-elected chair Samuel Migal (Voice-SD) tasked newly-elected vice-chair Peter ...
An informal meeting of EU foreign ministers on the situation in Ukraine and the Middle East was held in New York, on the sidelines of a session of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, with Slovakia ...
If it helps improve the situation in the governing coalition, SNS head Andrej Danko is prepared to relinquish even his post of House Vice-chair, TASR learnt from Danko's press conference on Tuesday.
Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) should present clearly the stances to communicate and goals he plans to achieve during his upcoming visit to China, opposition's SaS party together with ...
Opposition's 'Slovakia' party considers Prime Minister Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) meeting with representatives of the opposition on the consolidation of public finances to be a theatrical display, ...
The Slovak Education and Science Employees Trade Union won't sign a higher-level collective agreement for the years 2025 and 2026, its head Pavel Ondek informed TASR on Tuesday. As a result of this, ...
Opposition and government representatives have only agreed on the fact that financial consolidation is necessary, but they have different views on how to save, with the opposition not knowing where it ...
The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party held a news conference on Tuesday to state that it views Premier Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) invitation to the opposition to discuss the consolidation of ...
As part of financial consolidation, the government should seek savings primarily on the side of the state, but it only plans to save 5 percent on itself for now, while the rest should be paid by the ...
Slovakia will support more intensive cooperation with countries of the Western Balkans with the aim of accelerating the EU integration that they've been striving for for two decades, said Slovak ...
Washington 25. septembra (TASR) - Muža, ktorý podľa amerických úradov so strelnou zbraňou niekoľko hodín sledoval exprezidenta USA Donalda Trumpa neďaleko golfového ihriska na Floride, v utorok obvini ...